Go Zero Waste App Launches: Helping Dubliners to Reduce Waste with Challenges and Prizes - mywaste My Waste

Go Zero Waste App Launches: Helping Dubliners to Reduce Waste with Challenges and Prizes

16 Aug 2022


An app that connects citizens with local zero waste businesses and services, and makes reduction of waste and plastic use more achievable, launches in Dublin this week.


Go Zero Waste is a collaborative app featuring over 100 locations throughout Dublin where users can spend time, shop and enjoy their city-region more sustainably. Through the Moving Towards Zero Dublin Challenge, Go Zero Waste invites citizens to take up to 30 actions to reduce waste and practice new sustainable habits.

Dubliners participating in the challenge accumulate points and become eligible for prizes in the form of gift cards for local businesses that promote sustainable shopping. In order to participate, simply download the Go Zero Waste app on Apple or Android and activate the Dublin challenge.

The Go Zero Waste app is a not-for-profit initiative launching as part of the Open Data Climate Action Challenge organised by Smart Dublin and partners. Our Challenge has altogether seven participating initiatives all using open data to support and promote climate action. We will have a showcase in September where GoZeroWaste and the six other participating projects will demonstrate their outputs and results- so stay tuned for more details.


Why Zero Waste? According to the latest annual report by the National Waste Prevention Programme, over 13 million tonnes of waste are generated per year, in our homes, workplaces and in the public realm- this is unsustainable. The Go Zero Waste app raises awareness and engagement in this issue, and shows how technology may play role in addressing it.


The Go Zero Waste app serves as a digital tool helping Dubliners start their Zero Waste journey and join forces with the existing local Zero Waste community. Through the app, citizens can join efforts to grow their local zero waste network by registering businesses and services in their area. These can include businesses where customers shop in bulk, use BYO containers, buy second hand or repair, and which have take-back facilities when products reach their end of life.


The app is free and available to download for iOS and Android devices (links below):

Dublin Campaign website: www.movingtowardszero.com/dublin

Go Zero Waste app website: https://gozerowaste.app/en/  

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zerowaste.gozerowaste 

App Store: https://apps.apple.com/app/go-zero-waste/id1468632036?l=en#?platform=iphone